We have provided several resources for people who teach about ERPs at the college level and beyond. At present, we provide two major sets of teaching resources: the PowerPoint files from the 10-day ERP Boot Camp and a set of lecture videos and associated materials. You do not need any specific permission from us to use these materials, but we would appreciate hearing from you if you use them so that we can include this information in the progress reports for the grant that support this effort (R25MH080794 from NIMH). You can contact us at erpbootcamp@gmail.com.

PowerPoint Slides from the ERP Boot Camp
These are the PowerPoint files from the UC-Davis/SDSU ERP Boot Camp. We make them available for use by researchers and educators. In most cases, the slides may be used for nonprofit educational purposes if the appropriate copyright notice is included.

Click here to see the available files.

Lecture Videos and Associated Materials
These materials were created for our free online course, Introduction to ERPs. This course was designed for students who want to learn the basics of ERPs. It takes 3-5 hours to complete. If you have undergrad or grad students doing ERP research in your lab, you could have them take this course (for no credit and no grade).

Here we provide the individual course components so you can use them in your own courses. The materials have a Creative Commons CC BY license so that you can use them in any way you want. You just need to provide an attribution (“by Steven J. Luck, https://erpinfo.org/”).

Click here to access the materials.