We provide online training via our Virtual ERP Boot Camp webinar series. Future webinars will announced via our blog, on our @erpbootcamp Twitter feed, and on the ERP Boot Camp email list.

July 25, 2023: ERP Decoding for Everyone
These webinars explained how ERP decoding works, provided concrete examples, and describes how to implement decoding using simple tools within ERPLAB Toolbox. Available online resources include:
Slides: https://ucdavis.box.com/s/flf9gzeo12rz2jhxptih7xjl0omka2k7
Data: https://doi.org/10.18115/D5KS6S
Recording: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/Virtual+ERP+Boot+CampA+Decoding+for+Everyone%2C+July+25+2023/1_lmwj6bu0

August 26, 2020: The ERP CORE
This webinar describes ERP CORE, a set of 6 standard ERP paradigms (with experimental control scripts, data from 40 subjects, and data analysis scripts).
Available online resources include:
Web site for ERP CORE: https://doi.org/10.18115/D5JW4R
Slides: [click here]
Preprint: https://osf.io/4azqm
ERPLAB 8.02: https://github.com/lucklab/erplab/releases
Q&A from the webinar (updated to provide optimal answers: [click here]
Chat transcript from the webinar: [click here]

August 5, 2020: Quantifying Data Quality in Averaged ERPs
This webinar describes a universal metric of data quality for averaged ERPs, the Standardized Measurement Error.
Available online resources include:
Slides: [click here]
Preprint: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dwm64
Demonstration data and scripts: https://doi.org/10.18115/D58G91
ERPLAB 8.02: https://github.com/lucklab/erplab/releases
Q&A from the webinar (updated to provide optimal answers: [click here]

June 29-30, 2020: ERP Decoding
These webinars explained how ERP decoding works, provided concrete examples, and described to implement decoding using our Matlab scripts. Available online resources include:
Slides: Part 1, Part 2
Decoding scripts and data: https://github.com/ammsimmons/binorg_decoding
The decoding scripts require ERPLAB 8.01 or higher: https://github.com/lucklab/erplab/releases